News Roundup

Turns out I was wrong about the subject of the next blog post, but plans change – which is appropriate, given that I’ve changed my drafting plans about a fair bit. Shelter in Shadow didn’t make it quite to the end – I’ll go back back to finish it off at the end of the year if there’s time. Sandtide is soon to hit the halfway point, and I expect to finish that just before Frostfire’s November 1st release.

Not much change there so far, right? Well, between the rest, I slotted in a first draft of Embershard, the potential sequel to Frostfire. It was surprisingly easy to return to these characters, and I really like where it ended up. Lots of work to do in edits – but when is there not?

Speaking of Frostfire, publication date lumbers ever closer, and I’m getting started on the publicity train. Most of this is still getting locked down, but hopefully I’ll be able to share more here very soon. One aspect of this is going to be more regular posts here (monthly, maybe?). Also I’d like to mention that I’m intending to do a few school visits once Frostfire is out. I’ve been planning out materials for assemblies and workshops, so if you’re interested in booking such a thing (and are a reasonable travel time from Staffordshire), do get in contact. I’ll have a more official way of doing this going up in a month or so.

Much more to come soon!